Group Work
For individuals facing similar issues we have found that our group work can be very beneficial in raising self esteem and confidence.
It makes us realise that others are in the same position, provide peer support, explore solutions and help deepen understanding.

Being part of a group also helps to develop interpersonal skills such as speaking & listening as well as leadership qualities amongst others. These skills can be easily transferred between academic and career life.

It can also help you to identify strengths and weaknesses- you may be better at giving advice than receiving it, you may be good at coming up with ideas but not as good putting them into motion.

We offer groups for both children and adults:

  • Social skills & Confidence/Esteem Building
  • Behaviour/Anger Management
  • Transition
  • Parents: Understand Me- Know Your Children
If you can’t see a topic that quite fits your needs, don’t worry, due to the unique nature of our service, we’ll tailor one for you - just ask.